Dreamforce 2013 – We’d love to meet up with you

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Are you going to Dreamforce 2013 next week?

“Saying Dreamforce is just a tech conference is like saying the Golden Gate is just a bridge”

If you didn’t already know, Dreamforce is the biggest event in the Salesforce.com calendar. It’s a tech conference, but not like any tech conference you have ever been to before.

I could give you some statistics, but let’s just say its big, very big, and everything about it is completely mindblowing. This is the kind of conference where MC Hammer introduces the keynote  (It’s Chattertime!) and Green Day &  Blondie provide the evening entertainment.

Among many other things, Dreamforce is a great chance to hook up with people in the industry, learn and make connections.  Those are our objectives anyway. Five of us from Desynit are lucky enough to be making the trip Stateside and here is what we will be doing while we are there. Are we going to cross paths? Let us know – we’d love to meet up.

“I Passed the Force.com Advanced Developer Certification” – Chris is on the panel

If you want to know how to become a more well-rounded developer, this is your session. Along with a panel of Salesforce all-stars, Christopher Lewis will be answering questions on the highs and lows of becoming an Advanced Force.com Certified Developer – Moscone Center West, room 2007, 10am Monday, 18 November

Giving a presentation on our Salesforce User Group Forcewest

Salesforce User Groups are gaining momentum all over the world – this kind of success has a story to tell. Come along to the session Matthew Morris and I are running  – “Listen up Marketing – the User Group Program Has Some Valuable Lessons to Share” on Wednesday 20 Nov at 12pm at The Westin St. Francis, Tower Salon A – we’ll be run you through some of the key success factors of the format.

Finding out all there is to know about Marketing Automation + Salesforce

If you want to know about the future of marketing automation and how to make it work in your business, come to Dreamforce….but for those who can’t make the West Coast, we’ll bring it back to the West Country for a special event in January 2014. Along with marketing strategist Bryony Thomas, content specialists Valuable Content and special guests web development company, Newfangled, we’ll give you all you need to get started making some decisions. Sign up for the Desynit Good Systems Newsletter to be sure to get your invite.

Meeting the Salesforce Success Community

We are really excited about meeting the stars and shapers of the Success Community in person. Matt and I will be manning the user group booth on Wednesday 20 November first thing and last thing in the Community Success Zone, Hilton Union Square Hotel. We’ll also be there for the drinks reception later that day, Wednesday 4-5pm at Hilton Ballroom Success Community Zone. Please come and say hello!

Researching and testing the best of the best business apps

Desynit are serious about partnerships. We partner with brilliant companies to give our customers great systems. Shaun’s going to be prowling the expo to find the best of breed apps out there. If you have an app that changes people’s lives, get in touch with Shaun now to arrange a meet up – he’d love to see it!

Having a good time

Between us, we are signed up to attend a  whole host evening events, but one event that we are all planning to take in together is Postcode Anywhere’s AleAnywhere event on the Sunday 17 November  7pm at The Irish Bank Pub. If we don’t see you anywhere else (and this is a BIG conference) we’ll see you there. Cheers!

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