Good systems change your life. A promise from Desynit.

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New strapline, new website

Weโ€™ve been making changes here at Desynit and wanted to explain the thinking behind it.

The old website really wasnโ€™t working for us (and it probably wasnโ€™t doing much for you either!) ย Weโ€™ve grown quickly over the last couple of years and we didnโ€™t feel the original site reflected who we are or the value we could bring. Underpinning the change was our desire to make the website more useful. We wanted to provide more content to help make your working life easier. The old site wasnโ€™t a great platform to deliver this, so weโ€™ve invested in a brand new site thatโ€™s robust and flexible enough to give you the help youโ€™re looking for.

Listening to our clients

When it comes to creating a new website where do you start? In our case it was with some deep thinking and a heap of research. We were keen to make sure we grounded the new site in what clients really valued and would appreciate. So the first thing we did was to make a few calls.

If you listen closely enough to your customers they will write your business strategy.

Sir Terry Leahy

We called contacts in the Desynit community – people who know us really well, others who are new connections. We spoke to clients, partners, even those weโ€™d met with who hadnโ€™t yet become Desynit clients. They kindly gave up their time to answer a lot of searching questions from us – what challenges they were dealing with, what they wanted to achieve, why they did business with us, what outcome they expected and what they received, what they valued, what we could do better, what they knew us for and would refer us for in future.

It was an enlightening process, and we got a lot more than we bargained for. Our contacts consistently talked about the way working with us made their lives easier. The message we heard was grounded in emotional terms, rather than technical ones. Client feedback gave us a story that we could really get behind โ€“ it defined a mission that is embedded in our DNA.

Hereโ€™s what we heard:

  • The systems we build make an impact on the day-to-day working lives of the people around them โ€“ we save them hours of time, stopping them working at weekends in one case!

  • Our clients know Desynit is committed to them as people โ€“ whatever level of the organisation.

  • The work we do even gets non-technical people excited about technology โ€“ “OMG, look what they’ve done! I’m excited about technology!” – one of the senior people at our best client actually said that!

A change in our message โ€“ and what this means to us

Good Systems ManifestoBecause of what we heard weโ€™ve shifted our message from the purely technical and inward looking – we build business applications โ€“ to one that is client focused – good systems change your life.

What does it mean to us? Itโ€™s more than just a slogan โ€“ itโ€™s a mission, and a promise to deliver. We love it because it reflects who we are, the passion we have, and more importantly, the value we work so hard to bring.

You can find out more about our mission in our Good Systems Manifesto.

More importantly, what does the message mean for you?
  • We promise to work hard to live up to the Good Systems mission in the applications we develop for you.

  • Weโ€™ll hire staff as we grow who live by it too โ€“ not just to build systems but to make your working life happier and more fulfilling.

  • Weโ€™ll be sharing a heap of valuable content on this website that will help you get your systems working the way you want them to โ€“ so keep checking in to read our blogs, films and guides. And do tell us what else youโ€™d like to see.

If you believe in the transformative power of great systems join us โ€“ join the Good Systems club: you can sign up to receive ourย Good Systems email updates here.

We really hope you get behind the new message and like what you find on the website.

Weโ€™d love to know your thoughts.

And finally, a big thank you

We had a lot of help from a small team of talented Bristol people to put the new brand, site and content together. Weโ€™re grateful toโ€ฆ.

  • Christian Tate at Creative Cadence for brand and graphic design.

  • Iain Claridge for his skills on the fully responsive web design and build.

  • Bryony Thomas for wise words on strategic planning at the outset.

  • And last, a really big hearty thank you to the content strategists and creators, Sharon Tanton and Sonja Jefferson from Valuable Content.

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