London Salesforce Admin User Group Round Up 2 – Jenny’s Admin Tip #7

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IMG_2599-001What a fantastic Admin meetup! Bringing in a whopping 60+ fellow Admin Superstar, the Certification and Lightning themed meetup clearly wasn’t one to be missed. However, for those that didn’t make it, hopefully this roundup will give you all the news and gossip from the evenings event.

Kicking off the event, the charming Matt Morris took to stage to welcome and ease the crowd. And his MC skills were soon put to the test in the first presentation of the evening – the Certification Panel.

An ever popular topic, the Certification Panel was made up of four fellow certified Admins/Developers/Consultants –  the lovely Tori Sansom, the legend Mike Gill, the awesome Simon Coles and myself, all of whom wanted to share with you our journey’s to becoming certified. This was a great opportunity for those thinking about taking their first Salesforce certification or advancing to the next level to ask questions to help them on their certification journey. And it wasn’t long before the panel were dishing out their tips to a plethora of questions from the crowd.  The only thing we needed was more time as this was a topic that could have lasted the entire night.


Next to take on the Superstar Admins was MVP Mr Francis Pindar with his (untimed) 5 minutes feature slot. Teasing the crowd members with his ‘What’s the difference between an Analytical Snapshot and Report Snapshot?’ question, Francis provided an excellent insight into historical data with Reporting Snapshots. It’s amazing what information this guy can give you in 5 minutes, imagine what he could do in 10!


After a short break to indulge in the amazing spread provided by Dotmailer, it was back to the presentations. This time it was Success Community ledge, Chris Edward’s turn to steal the thunder with a feature that sparked a lot of attention at this years Dreamforce – The Lightning Process Builder. Chris, with the help of Mike Gill, provided a SUCCESSFUL demo that highlighted the powers of the Process Builder, which showed the crowd amp’le reasons why it is more powerful than Workflow and more straightforward than Visual Workflow. Great presentation guys, it went down a storm!


To bring the presentations to an end, we opened the floor up to the superstar admins with Mike Gill’s Open Mic. This provided an opportunity for users to stand up and celebrate an achievement or give thanks, suggest the next theme for the group’s meeting, highlight an idea you have on the Success community which you think is deserving of votes (shout out to Paul Ginsburg with his mention to vote for Fewer Chatter as a default or-wide option), and much more.

And if that wasn’t enough, we saw the return of the Aha! Bar, staffed by the panel members, Salesforce MVPs and Evangelists, which provided an opportunity for those with further certification or technical questions to have a relaxed chat with the experts. Hopefully a few mentors or study buddies were created to help you on your certification journey!?

Phew! I think I managed to pack it all in! But if you want to hear more then why not check out the Cloudlife Podcast, recorded by Matt Morris, Shaun Holmes and myself on the train back up to Bristol or check out  those mentioned in this blog post on Twitter to hear about last nights gossip.

To be apart of this fantastic event and community you will simply have to come to the next Admin meetup in December, and as it’s Christmas we promise it’ll be a special one. Keep an eye out for more information.

Special thanks to Dotmailer for the AMAZING venue and the AWESOME hospitality!

See you next month!


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