Salesforce Admins: Your Salesforce Heroes Heroes – Jenny’s Admin Tips #35

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Time for another check-in on the Dreamforce clock. Yup, we now have only 47 days to go before the Salesforce event of the year kicks off. By now you will have bookmarked your sessions, learned of the keynote speakers and decided the key people/partners that you would like to meet at the event. Which brings me to this weeks blog – People. More specifically your Admin Heroes.

We all know that people are they key, they make up the heart of Salesforce – the community. With close to 2 million users in the Salesforce community, we are certainly not taking on our Salesforce journeys alone. And letโ€™s face it, we all have Salesforce peers who inspire us, who we look up to or generally are the go to persons for when you need any kind of Salesforce tips/support/sanity check – #WhyAdminsDrink!

So my question this week is โ€˜who are your Admin heroโ€™s and where do you plan to meet them?โ€™ Who better to ask then the experts themselves!

Let’s find out who your heroes heroes are?

Coming in first we have everyoneโ€™s Admin hero,ย ย Mike Gerholdtย –

โ€œMy Admin Hero is Nik Panter. He was the first person who helped me with an issue on Twitter. And I’m pretty sure I’ll meet him at the bar for a beer.โ€ย I have a feeling that a lot of people will be joining you at the bar for a beer! Oh and I wonder what Mikeโ€™s Salesforce issue was and what Nikโ€™s answer was?!

Up next we have the awesome MVP and Co-Host of the London Admin User Group, Chris Edwards

โ€œIf I had to pick one, I’ll go with the obvious answer – SteveMo – and I expect if I hang around the Admin Zone for long enough I’ll find him! If you don’t want to chance your arm hanging around the Admin Zone, go to one of their presentations and say thanks after the talk.โ€ย I have a feeling the Admin Zone is going to be a Admin hero hotspot this year!

Then we have the musical MVP,ย Ryan Headleyย  –

โ€œCheryl Feldman is my Admin hero. She just loves to mentor and inspire everyone!โ€ย High five to that Ryan – I know I am sure looking forward to meeting Cheryl at #DF15! #SalesforceSelfie

Coming in at #4 we have the fabulous Brit abroad, MVP and Girly Geek founder,ย Geraldine Gray

โ€œMatt Lamb is one of my Admin heroes. He will give me a sanity check when I think my Salesforce solution architecture is a bit ambitious and heโ€™ll tell me to go for it or suggest other ways around the problem.โ€ย Matt, maybe a craft ale and sanity check will be required for most of us during Dreamforce?! #FirstTimers.

At #5 we have the Summer 15 MVP, Girly Geek of the Week author and all around Super Woman, Lauren Jordan

โ€œI would say Rakesh Gupta is my Admin Hero! ย He is an absolute powerhouse!โ€ย And what a powerhouse he is indeed – 2x @Salesforce MVP, Blogger, @SFDC_Mumbai UG leader and more!

And lastly, there is me.

My Admin hero is Jennifer Wobser. Not only does she have an awesome name :), but I donโ€™t think I have ever seen a post, comment or tweet that isnโ€™t full of Salesforce enthusiasm. She has pride, passion and ambition for all things Salesforce – I guess that is what 10 years working with Salesforce will do to you. Well that and one kick ass presentation of 10 years of Dreamforce at #DF15!

Thanks for sharing your Admin heroโ€™s with us!

Let me know who your Admin hero is and where you plan to meet them by leaving a comment or tweeting @jenny_bamber.

See you next week.


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