Salesforce Chatter Etiquette – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #43

In this article...

etiquette word in letterpress typeOver the past few weeks I have enlightened you to the wonderful chattering delights that are offered by Salesforce Chatter. I have walked through how and what to Follow, where and what to Post, Group creations, #Topics and more! And though my blog posts may only skim the surface when it comes to the beneficial and collaboration features that Salesforce Chatter has to offer, you will have received a taster on how Chatter can work for your company.

As the last post in the Salesforce Chatter series I asked myself how I would be able to wrap up Chatter given how diverse and personal it is to each user, team and company. And the answer was simple. We have learned what we can expect from Chatter, however we haven’t learned what Chatter expects from us.

So here are a few do’s and don’ts to take into consideration when Chattering away.

  • Do participate by asking and answering questions

  • Do keep posts relevant to work

  • Do use Chatter to get feedback

  • Do use groups rather than email distribution lists for collaboration

  • Do post files instead of emailing attachments

  • Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your HR team or executives to read

  • Don’t write long-winded posts

  • Don’t use Chatter to replace an in-person conversation

  • Don’t post confidential information on profiles or public groups

  • Don’t post personal messages that aren’t relevant to your business

Salesforce Chatter brings all the things we do in our social media spare time into a working environment. So be more social and have fun using Chatter.

If you would like more information on Salesforce Chatter feel free to check out my Weekly Blog on the Desynit Website. Or if you would like to speak to someone then pop Desynit’s Shaun Holmes a call.

I will see you next week for more cloud related tips.

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