Salesforce Chatter: Hungry for Information? Checkout your Feed – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #35

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HiResWant to find out what projects your colleagues are working on or want updates on changes made to specific Opportunities you are associated with? With the Chatter Feed this is possible as you have control over what information will appear in your Chatter Feed throughout the day.

The Chatter Feed shows posts and comments that you, your colleagues and even your customers have shared. It also shows comments and posts relating to shared files, tasks and events, leads, contacts and many more Salesforce Objects.

In my example below, I follow Desynitโ€™s Christopher Lewis, a MVP. All posts shared by Christopher show up in my feed where I can like, comment or share it with my followers.

Here are the links you will find in the feed:

  • What I follow – As mentioned above, this will display updates from everything you follow.
  • To Me – Displays posts others make on your profile page and posts and comments where you have been mentioned. If anyone mentions you directly, i.e. @jennybamber it would show up here, handy if you want someone’s attention.
  • Bookmarked – Displays all the posts ย you have ย bookmarked for later reading or consideration.
  • All Company – This is where you can get an overview for all public posts in the entire company.
Searching the feed

The feed can be a busy place, especially if you are following many records, topics, people etc and as such the search functionality is very useful. In my example below I was looking for a presentation but could not remember who shared it. I searched for Presentation and it found the link to that post.

The Chatter Feed offers much more, so if you would like to see more on how your Chatter Feed works, click the following link – Your Salesforce Chatter Feed or want an overview of what Chatter has to offer, check out my recent blog post – Chatter: A way to Communicate at Work.

Alternatively, you can contact Desynit’s very own Shaun Holmes for a friendly chat to see how Salesforce Chatter can help improve your business.

See you next week for more Chatter related tips.

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