Salesforce Chatter Topics: What’s everyone talking about? – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #41

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If you like to post updates in Salesforce Chatter, ย why not associate your updates with others posts and comments on the same Topic by using #Hashtags.

With Salesforce Chatter you can add Topics by using hashtags to provide a link that categorises your updates so that other users within your company can find conversations more easily.

You can add topics to your own posts during creation, after they have been posted or you can add topics to existing posts at any time in the Chatter feed. The Trending Topics area on the Chatter tab shows the topics being discussed right now in Chatter.

This weeks blog shall focus on how to bring order to your posts and how to increase their visibility within the company.

So lets take a look at how you can add topics to a conversation.

To add a topic to an existing conversation:

  1. In the top corner of the post, click Feed drop-down arrow and click Edit Topics to edit or add new topics to the post.

  1. In the topic editor, start typing your text. As you type, you can pick a topic from the list of suggestions, or keep typing to create your own unique topic. To add more than one topic, type a comma after each topic.

  1. Posts can have up to 10 topics.

  2. When you’re done adding topics, click Done or press ENTER on your keyboard.

  1. The topics you add become links to the topic detail pages.

Adding Hashtag Topics to Posts and Comments

To add a hashtag topic to your post.

  1. When writing an update type # followed by any text. As you type, you can pick a topic from the list of suggestions, or press ENTER at any time to add a new topic that can be up to three words.

  2. Commas ( , ) and closing square brackets ( ] ) automatically end a topic. Other punctuation symbols and separators are supported in topic names.

  3. Click Share.

Once you post an update the only way to remove a hashtag topic is to delete the entire post or comment. You can however, remove the topic from the top-level post.

For information on removing topics from posts and much more click the link below.

Salesforce Chatter: Whatโ€™s everyone talking about?

Or if you want to chat about Salesforce Chatter possibilities within your company, pop Desynitโ€™sย Shaun Holmesย a call.

I’ll see you next week for more cloud tech tips.


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