Salesforce Christmas Crackers: Mike Gerholdt – Jenny’s Admin Tip #72

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What better way to finish of the Salesforce Christmas Cracker series, then hearing from the main admin man him…elf – Mr Mike Gerholdt!

What do you love most about Christmas?

The music. It’s on all the time in my house from the end of Halloween till past New Years. I mean, how can you not enjoy a little “Holly Jolly Christmas” by Burl Ives?

What’s the best thing about Salesforce this year?

It’s after Dreamforce so it’s pretty cool to see everyone reflecting back on what they have accomplished this year. Equally as exciting to see Admins on twitter talking about what they are looking forward to accomplishing in the upcoming year. Of course, I do all my twitter reading while listening to Christmas music this time of year.

What’s the best thing you have learned from SF this year?

  • Mindfulness is important.
  • Sharing what you know is important.
  • Listening is important.

I guess that is three things and it would be hard to narrow it down to just one.

What is your Salesforce Advice for 2017?

Learn Lightning. Seriously. I think back to when I started learning Salesforce in 2006, it made keeping up so much easier as the platform progressed. Don’t fall behind on learning and getting familiar with lightning.

What is the best present you have received / given?

I know a cookbook doesn’t sound geeky. But I gave a friend a cookbook based on the TV show Blue Bloods.

What is your Salesforce New Years Resolution?

To be more mindful by staying grounded in the present moment, and to continue to be ambitious by continuing to learn.

What is your favourite Christmas Cracker Joke?

I’m pretty bad with jokes, so moving on…

What is your favourite childhood Christmas memory?

Christmas 1984 – I was Joseph in the church play and afterward I got a snickers bar. Then we went to my grandparents house to open gifts. That’s when I found out I got an Atari 2000. Best Christmas EVAR!


Thanks for sharing, Mike. Bring on 2017 – a year of Lightning and Mindfulness!

Have a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2017.

See you soon.


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