Spanning Backup for Google Apps – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #25

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Backup Computer KeyIt’s great to have peace of mind when it comes to your documents and emails especially when seventy-five percent of that data loss is caused by human error. That’s why we at Desynit use Spanning Backup for Google Apps. Not only does this ensure that you data is backed up daily, but it also provides extra security and less stress at times when important data has been lost.

So what’s backed up, and how?

To keep your documents protected and your business productive, Spanning backs ups your Calendar, Gmail, Contacts, Sites and Drive data. Copies of the files are created so that should your data become compromised, you can easily restore the data with just a few clicks.

Here is just a brief snippet of what you can expect from Spanning Backup.

Automated & on-demand backups

Its good to know when your data has been backed up, so why not automate your daily backups and perform additional backups on demand. You can also choose specific folders, calendars and contacts to backup. Not only that, but you can also choose to restore your data back to its original state.

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Data search and restore

With data search and restore you can; access historical version of your data, search and select emails to restore, restore Drive files from any point in time, export accounts or specifics data and much more!

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Advanced administrator options

With the advanced administrator options you can; check all accounts within your domain, prevent user modifications and manage your software license for your organisation.

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Complete status monitoring

With Spanning you are able to; monitor your status history by resolving backup errors with Spanning’s actionable status history; set daily, weekly, monthly automated backup status summaries; maintain a record of all administrator actions.

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Data loss doesn’t have to stop your business in its track thanks to this user friendly, secure, powerful and unlimited application.

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If  you are interested and would like to hear more about what Spanning Backup has to offer, please contact Shaun Holmes.

See you next week!

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