Spanning Backup: Google Apps Search and Restore – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #33

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I recently posted a blog – Spanning Backup for Google Apps which covered the importance of backing up your data and showed you how Spanning Backup, a reliable SaaS application data backup and recovery solution, can help remove those worrying moments when data is compromised.

This week I shall be delving further into Spanning Backup, focusing mainly on the Google Apps search and restore feature and how this can help your business sail through those data loss situations that would otherwise stop your business in its tracks.

So what is Google Apps search and restore

Google Apps search and restore allows you to access all versions of your data enabling you to restoreย a documentย  to any previous state, or search for and restore a document that may have been accidentally removed. This feature gives your company that extra security and reassurance knowing that all your documents are backed up and can be restored if lost.

Google Apps search and restore features


Email search and filter

This enables you to easily find and select emails to be restored by date, label, sender, and subject line.

1.Simply click on a users’ account, click on Gmail and use the search and date options to filter down your results.

2. Click Restore and select Done from the pop up to restore the file to your account.

Drive search and navigation

You can easily find and restore files from any point in time in their Drive folders or by using quick search and the date field to find them.

1. Simply navigate to Drive in the Restore section and type in your search query or select the date you want the search to find results from.

Point-in-time restores

You can access historical snapshots or versions of all your data and restore to any previous known-good state.

1.Search for the file you wish to restore to a previous version and click ย next to the document title.

2. Select a version of the file you wish to restore from the listed possible version dates and click Restore

Cross-user restore

As an Admin you can restore data from one Google Apps user account into another.

1. Simply locate the document you wish to restore.

2. Click Restore, select the user from the drop down list and click Done.

Restore to file and whole account export

Export an entire account or a specific pieces – files, emails, folders – of backed up data in standard file formats.

1. Simply navigate to the Tab which holds the Files/Emails you would like to export e.g. Gmail, Drive, Calendars etc.

2. Select the File/Email, click Export and hit Go to start the Export. ย 

This is one of the many features that Spanning Backup has to offer to ensure that you have full protection over copies of all your data.

If you would like to hear more on how Spanning can help protect your business’s data in Google Apps, please contact Desynitโ€™s Shaun Holmes.

See you next week for more useful cloud technology tips.


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