Salesforce Assets

As a Salesforce admin and consultant, I have had many conversations regarding Assets in Salesforce. Whether that be as part of your post-sales process e.g. tracking warranties, or part of your service process as a way of providing Entitlements to your customers on certain products that they have purchased. Either way, this little feature can be a key part of your end-to-end sales/service journey. With that in mind, let’s look into how you can create Assets in Salesforce?

Adding Assets in Salesforce

Unfortunately, there is no out of the box automation for Asset creation. But here are 2 declarative ways to add Assets in Salesforce that I would recommend.

1) You can manually add Assets to an Account record. This all depends on volume. If your sales team has enough time on their hands, then this is a totally valid way of adding them. However, bear in mind that if your Account has multiple Opportunities that have lots of products, that have different Entitlements and or warranties then this process can be cumbersome. My opinion – take this option only if you have a few Closed Won Products that require converting to Assets. 

2) You can use Flow and Process Builder to automatically create Assets. This is a much more involved process which requires a flow that can either be triggered by Process Builder or manually by the user and flow screens. For example, perhaps you have a Closed Won Opportunity that has multiple Opp Line Items (Products), that each requires an Asset record. The Asset needs a start and end date, a serial number, type etc. By creating a flow that loops through all of the Opp line items, you can generate individual Asset records and assign pre-defined field values. This option is much more powerful as it cuts out the admin and allows your team to get on expanding that pipeline. Sounds fab, right!?

But where do I start I hear you say? Not to worry I have the solutioN below. Enjoy creating some badass automation! 

Automating Asset Creation – Flow

Here is a step by step guide to generating Assets via a screen when an Opportunity is Closed-Won. 

This is how your flow should look at the end:

Salesforce Assets

1. Select the Screen element and add a label – this will be what the users see on the record page. Salesforce Assets

a. Add a Display Text from the screen components and insert text.Salesforce Assets


2. Select the Get Records element. 

a. Add a label

b. Select the Opportunity Object 

c. Here you want to save our Opp id to a variable so that you can reference the fields later on in our flow.

i.In the Field box select OpportunityId> in the value box, select +New Resource> Resource Type: Variable>Add API Name>Select Text as the data type. You also want to make the id available outside the flow.

Salesforce Assets

d.Your Get Record component should look like this: 

e. Scroll down on your GetOpportunity component, select – Only the first record and make sure “Manually assign variables (advanced)” is ticked.

f. Select ‘Store Field Values’ ‘In separate variables.’

g. So what information do we want to get from our Opportunity record? Well, we want the AccountId, so firstly select AccountId in the field and then create a new text variable for reference later. (Look at point 2c for reference). 

h. We will also want the Opportunity Stage. Select the Opp StageName field and add this to a new text variable – OppStageName, for reference later.

Great! So far we have our Opportunity and the fields we will need to reference in our flow later.

The next part is defining a decision as to whether the opp has been closed won or not. In this instance, you do not want the user to be able to create assets on opportunities that have not been closed-won. 

3. Select the Decision element and name it Closed Won Opp?

a. Outcome label – Yes

b. You want to execute when all conditions are met

c. For our condition, you will use the variable – OpportunityStage variable that you created in the previous element. So for the Resource field select: OpportunityStage. Operator: Equals. Value: Closed Won.

d. Closed Won is free text and case sensitive. 

e. Leave the default Outcome as is or label to No. 

f. If the Opp has not been closed one, you want the user to know this. To do that, you may wish to add another Screen element.

g. Add a label: Not Closed Won

Salesforce Assets

h. Add a Display Text from the screen components and insert text.

Salesforce Assets

You will now need to get all the Opp line items associated with the Closed Won Opportunity.

4. Select the Get Record element

a. Label: Get Opp Line Item

b. Select Opportunity Product as the object

c. Here you want to make sure the products you are getting belong to the correct opp. Therefore you need to create a condition and get only the record where the Opportunity Id Equals our {!OpportunityId} variable that you created earlier.

d. Scroll down and select ‘Not Ordered’. 

e. Select ‘All Records’ for Storing and make sure the ‘Manually assign Variables (Advanced)’ is selected.

f. You will want to store all those records in a collection variable so you can use in our flow. To do this click +New Resource in the Record Collection Variable box. 

i. Add an API name

ii. This time you want to save the records to his variable so select Record as the data type. *Make sure you tick “Allow Multiple Values (collection)*

iii. Select Opportunity Product as the object

Salesforce Assets

iv. Click done and then select the new variable 

v. Next, select the fields you want to store in this variable – for instance, these will be fields you want to integrate further on the flow or in this case, these are the fields you want to use when you create the assets. 

1. ID

2. Description 

3. Product2Id

4. Name

5. Quantity 

6. Created Date

Flow Loop

Once you have got our Opportunity Product Line Items, you will want to loop through them all to assign the fields you got in our Collection variables to the asset record.

5. Select the Loop element > All label “LoopLineItems”

a. Create a Collection Variable

Salesforce Assets

b. Specify the direction for iterating over a collection to ‘First item to last item’

c. Once you have all opp line items, you want to store them in a loop variable – 

d. Create a new Record variable > ass API Name “AllOppLineItems”>Data Type – Record>Object – Opportunity Product

Salesforce Assets

Next, you will want to assign the fields to the Asset record

6. Select the Assignment element. 

a. Add a label 

b. Create a new Asset variable >+New Resource>Api Name “NewAsset”>Data Type – Record>Object – Asset

c. Next, select the variable and field you want to update upon creation of the new asset record. The Values will be the ones you have stored in the variables you have previously created. See screenshot below for an example.

Salesforce Assets

Click Done and link your Loop component to the new assignment component. Make sure “For each item” is selected.

You will now want to Assign those new assets to an all assets variable so that you can create all the records it has looped through and assigned the fields to. 

7. Select the Assignment element.

a. Add a label 

b. Create a new Asset collection variable >+New Resource>Api Name “AllAsset”>Data Type – Record> Select ‘Allow multiple values (collection)  Object – Asset

Salesforce Assets

c. Once created, you will want to add the NewAssets to the AllAsset variable for creation. 

Salesforce Assets

8. Select the Create Record element

a. Add Label – Create Asset Records

b. How many to create – Multiple

c. Select Variable – {!AllAssets}

Salesforce Assets

Create a Confirmation screen to let users know that they have been successfully created.

9. Select the Screen element > Add Label ‘ Assets Created’ > Select Display Text Screen Component

Salesforce Assets

Adding the Flow to a page layout in lightning

For users to have access to the screen flow, you will need to add the flow component to the lightning page. 

1. On the record detail page, click the cog > edit page

a. Select/search Flow from the list of lightning components

Salesforce Assets

b. On the right hand side, select the Asset flow you have just created. 

i. Not showing? Make sure the flow is active!

c. Select – Pass record ID into this variable.

Salesforce Assets

Click Save!

And wallah! All Salesforce assets should now be created.

Top tip. The debug option in Flow is AMAZING. Therefore, I would suggest using this feature before activating your flow. That way it will let me know if the flow works, and if not, why? Cheers!

Happy Asset creating folks. 

Jenny Bamber October 21, 2019

17 thoughts on “How to create Assets on a Closed Won Opportunity in Salesforce

  • Hello Jenny,

    Thank you for this visual and descriptions of using Flow to create Assets, one question I have is on “Add New Asset to collection” variable. It is saying to ‘add the NewAssets to the AllAsset variable for creation.’ when I try to connect AllAsset to NewAssets it is asking to reference deeper but in the screenshot provided it stops at NewAssets, am I missing something? Please assist.

    • Hey Nick! Thanks for your comment. Ah yes, it does give you the option to go deeper, but don’t be fooled 🙂 You can also just select NewAssets and then click ‘Done’. Let me know if that works for you. Cheers Jenny.

  • Hi Jenny,

    Thank you so much for this detailed example!

    I have a scenario where I only want the asset created if a current asset does not exist on the account already. Is that possible?

  • Hello Jenny,

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful flow with us.

    I have created it and the debug was successful but when I add it to production and test on a closed won opportunity it brings up the not closed won screen.

    I am not sure where I’m going wrong here? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    • I actually just looked at the account and it appears that the assets have actually been created each time. Even though it’s showing the not closed won screen.

      • After more testing, it’s the debug that is creating the assets but in production it’s not working at all. Very odd. I’m spun my wheels trying to review and see what went wrong here but can’t tell.

        Sorry for the barrage of messages.

        • I feel very silly but have figured this out.
          On the page layout I clicked the wrong box for Pass record ID into this variable. Once I clicked Opportunity ID it worked like a charm. :/

          • Ah, good spot! It’s always the small things that catch us out hey! I’m pleased you managed to figure it out and then update the post – good note for other readers too! Cheers Lewis:)

  • Thank you for this!

    Any ideas on how to expand this so if a Opp Product has quantity of 5, for example, it will create an individual asset for each product?

  • Jenny–not sure why, but I’m having trouble getting this to work. Debug show everything successful, but it doesn’t work in the sandbox. Would you mind sharing the flow in a package?

  • Thanks, by the way, for creating this post and sharing your knowledge. Even if it doesn’t end up working for my needs, it’s a really cool implementation.

  • Hi Jenny!
    Thank you for this it is such a great resource.

    I am struggling around the Loop section – point 5 a. Do I select the variable that has already been created, or replicate it? (I ask because it says to ‘Create variable’ but this API name already exists).

    Second, on 5d. is the new variable created on the loop or separate to the loop? If it is on the loop I have only option to add one variable and that is the one I have added on point 5a.

    Apologies if I have misunderstood this! Looking forward to your reply

    Thank you


  • Trying to make this work but getting hung up with Asset Create and the following results:

    I have {!AllLineItems} and {!AllOppLineItems} created but those values don’t seem to save from the Opportunity. Thoughts on what I am missing?

  • Do you have a video of you walking through this? I can’t even get through Step 2 without things looking much different than your screen shots.

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