Gathering Salesforce requirements like a pro

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Gathering Salesforce Requirements

Gathering Salesforce requirements is a chance to discuss, define and document what you want to achieve with your platform. This is not a technical exercise, and people from all over the business can play a role in the requirements gathering process.

Daunting? Doesn’t need to be. Here are a few pointers:

Who should take part?

Your Salesforce Consulting Partner and your Key Stakeholders e.g Sales Director, Customer Services Team Manager, Customer Insight Manager

How does it work?

Your Salesforce partner will facilitate a workshop session where the key stakeholders can come along and be guided into specifying what they want from Salesforce.This should be articulated in the form of ‘stories’ e.g. “I want to be able to see my sales pipeline clearly and how much sales revenue we are likely to close that month”

Your Salesforce consultant will (gently) cross question the participants to make sure that they have fully and accurately expressed what they need. All of these stories will be documented. It is from these stories that your Salesforce Project Manager will build a truly robust requirements document for all parties to sign off on.

How long does it take?

This really all depends on the number of stakeholders and the complexity of the project. In the case of our client Oak Tree Mobility for example, we set aside a day for the initial workshop.

Two more top tips

Firstly, this is a great time to think about your existing processes and what can be improved. Don’t simply try to recreate what you have in Salesforce: use this as an opportunity to come up with ideas on how your business processes can run better.

Finally, before you get to the requirements gathering point in the project, it’s important to know where you want to get to. However, be aware the journey can take a number of different routes … which leads us neatly on to Agile. But we will cover that in the next post…

If you’d like to know more about successful Salesforce Implementation, take a look at our guide, packed with insider information on what really makes a digital transformation project fly. You can fill out the form on this page to download your guide.


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