A new website, and a new chapter

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New website
Springtime. A time for new beginnings

What better time than Spring, to launch the renewed and refreshed Desynit website. New headline, new focus, new services, new case studies and a brand new content structure…it’s fair to say that rather than a refresh, this has actually been a rebuild from the ground up.

It’s been a lot of work and you may wonder why now?

Well, the fact is that things move on, business moves on and with each new customer (or new project for an existing customer) we learn something. During the course of 2015 it became increasingly apparent to us that we needed to focus on the type of work we were best suited to and delivered the most value for money to our customers.

When we analysed all the projects we have worked over the years, basically we like the tricky Salesforce stuff. By tricky, we mean the unique problems which can’t be solved by a straightforward, templated approach. Our team love to work on technical Salesforce platform customisations.  We like to build things where our customer knows exactly where they want to get to, they are just not sure how they are going to get there.

In the project management terms, this is known as a ‘Quest’ project.

So, with this knowledge in the forefront of our mind, we settled on a new wording which we felt best described the value we offer to our customers:-

Desynit Strapline

Along with our new headline, we have also launched a new services structure, which is a pretty neat summary of how we deliver that value.

New Services

We still believe good systems change your life

The promises in our Good Systems Manifesto remain untouched. But what we want to say very clearly to the world, is that if you have the challenge of delivering a technically complex project on the Salesforce platform, then we are your team.  Custom apps, clever connectors, custom integrations – that’s us. The more innovative, the better.

What else is new?

We’ve been developing new content too. You’ll find a suite of new case studies, outlining the new projects we’ve been delivering over the last couple of years. We are delighted to have new clients on board such as Sigma Systems, QuanTemplate, Excalibur Communications to name just a few (and a few more we can’t name but we’d love to..), and we’ve captured the stories as brand new case studies.

You’ll also find a new Desynit ‘Community’. With three Salesforce MVP’S on the team, and as organisers of ‘Forcewest’, the Salesforce User Group in the South West, it’s an obvious move for us: We are dedicated to playing a role in the Salesforce community on a number of levels, and we know that maintaining these links to the wider platform ecosystem offers real benefits to our customers and the community at large.

More to come

Over the next month there are a number of additional sections that will be added to the site: all content designed to be useful to anyone engaged in the business of commissioning, managing or delivering IT projects for their organisation. Keep an eye out.

Come and celebrate the newly refocused Desynit on 14 April

Our next Forcewest meetup is taking place in Bristol on the 14 April, at The Rummer Hotel. The focus of the evening will be Marketing Automation on the Salesforce platform, but we’ll also be providing a few bubbles too, to toast the official launch of a brand new chapter in our story. Sign up to receive update relating to Forcewest here and we’ll make sure you get your invitation to the event.

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