Salesforce Chatter: Creating Groups – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #40

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Do you have information that you want to share with a group or team but find that communication can be lost through emails, and meetings can be too time consuming?

With Salesforce Chatter Groups, you can create and join groups that are project, department or team specific and they provide a great opportunity to collaborate with other users. Group owners can also invite users to join the group and users can request to join or leave the group at any time.

Furthermore, with Group settings you can decide the level of access to each group:

  • Public: Anyone can join the group or see and add posts, comments, and files.

  • Private: Only members can see and add posts, comments, and files. User must ask to join or be added by the group’s owner or managers.

  • Allow Customers: The group owner and managers can invite customers to join the group. You can can also identify groups with customers by the orange upper left corner of the group photo.

So, let’s take a look at how you can create groups.

1. On the Chatter tab, click Groups followed by ‘New Group’.

2. Enter a Group Name and optionally a Description.

3. Keep the default ‘Archive this Group’ Settings unless you don’t want it to be archived.

4. Select an access level and finish by clicking Save.

If you would like more information on Salesforce Chatter Groups, including joining or leaving Groups, check out the Google Document below.

Salesforce Chatter: Collaboration with Chatter Groups

Or if you want to chat about Salesforce Chatter possibilities within your company, pop Desynit’s Shaun Holmes a call.

See you next week.

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