Salesforce Templates Integration with Gmail – Jenny’s Weekly Tip #26

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Email in InboxWith you have the ability to create email templates for various customer responses for various events. However, what is the point of these templates if you are using Gmail to send all your emails. Not very useful, right?

Wouldnโ€™t it be great if you could populate your emails in Gmail with the templates you have created in Salesforce? With Cirrus Insights this is now possible. Thanks to Salesforce Templates Integration with Gmail, you can now access your Salesforce templates, merge fields, edit and send them right from your Gmail account. This means no more recreating templates with other apps and more time spent responding to your customers.

To find out how to load your Salesforce templates into Gmail, simply follow the instructions below.

1. You have received an email from a user who wants information regarding an event or wants to subscribe etc. First hit Reply.

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2. Continue to select the Cirrus insight icon and then click Email Templates.

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3. Choose the folder where the template is located.

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4. Select the template from the chosen folder.

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5. You will see that the contact name will automatically be loaded, continue to click Merge.

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6. You will have automatically merged and loaded the template from salesforce.

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Hit ‘Send’, and Viola! You have just used a template created and stored in Salesforce through Gmail!

See you next week for more cloud technology tips.


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