Why you should step up and speak at Salesforce events

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Frances McDormand at the Oscars

picture credit iHEARTRADIO

“I have some things to say”

The dust is already settling on the Oscars last week. The awards have been accepted and the acceptance speeches analysed. While there were few deviations from the accepted formula, those that engaged and inspired were the ones that we remember.

Did it inspire you to think about doing some public speaking yourself?

OK, so maybe not to the estimated Oscars audience of 40 million, but how about doing a talk at a Salesforce event? The Salesforce event circuit is hungry for real life stories and while you may not take home an academy award, there are some really good reasons to consider the possibility:

Showcasing your great work is career enhancing – Delivered a great project/ implemented something awesome in your org? Then the world needs to know.

One presentation goes a long way – If you spent time developing a presentation, it doesn’t have to be one showing only, you can use it as an internal presentation to your own team, write it up as a blog, post on Linkedin. You could even take it on the road and present the same material at a few events (I am thinking Salesforce User Groups in particular)

It’s a great conversation starter – You’d be amazed at who will want to chat to you when you get up there and get sharing, and you can meet some useful contacts this way.

Clarity of thought – Explaining to someone else what you did (and why you did it) gives you a chance to reflect and review, and that’s a helpful process in your understandingEmotional acceptance speech

Free tickets!! Saving the best til last (!) Did you know that if you get a talk accepted at many paid-for Salesforce events then you get to go along for free? Of course most Salesforce events are entirely free but the BIG ONE is Dreamforce, and with the conference tickets now coming in at an eye-watering $1999+ then the possibility of a speaker pass is definitely enough to make you feel a little emotional…

picture credit Metro.co.uk

Two Salesforce speaking options for starters

Salesforce World Tour London – Calling all Admins

Surf Force 2018  – Calling for content relating particularly to environmental issues

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